تنمية الإبداع في مؤسسات التعليم الثانوي في ضوء التربية الإسلامية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية



Study Title: Innovation Development in secondary schools institutions in the light of Islamic education. A supplementary research to obtain the PhD degree in Islamic Foundations of Education
Researcher Name: Ahmed bin DaifullahAnbaar Al-Kinani
The used method: The descriptive approach
Study Results:
 Creativity is a process resulting in a new work satisfies a group of people.
 Creativity development entails an idea development or a practice by the teachers.
 Motivate the students and encourage them to do creative work should encourage them to persevere and continue being creative, and set up mechanisms to continuously take care of creative people.
 Creativity has a personal constraints as well as inner and outer environmental constraints.
 Brainstorming, hats style, role-playing and relaxations all are methods of creativity.
 Freedom and the culture of dialogue are very important to develop the creativity process.
 School environment, classroom and non-classroom activities play an important role in the development of creativity among students.
 Educational institutions has the greatest responsibility in taking care and develop creative people.
The recommendations of the study:
• Work on providing the freedom and the culture of dialogue and acceptance of new ideas of the students to develop the creative process in them.
• The need to motivate the students and encourage them to do creative work and put the mechanisms to continuously take care of creative individuals.
• Work on the study of impediments to personal and environmental innovation, which is to restrict the freedom of the creative individual, academic pressures, not developing the school curriculum and not preparing the teacher.
• The concerned administration of curriculum development should make it consistent with the creative process of the students.
• Train the teachers on techniques and methods of creativity, such as the style of brainstorming, hats and role-playing and how to use it on students to develop the creative process in them.
• The need to pay attention to the school environment as well as classroom and non-classroom activities for students to the development of the creativity process.
• Introduction of a mandatory or optional courses on creativity and creative thinking to give students creative skills and how to practice it.
• Encourage and develop The Field Research on the subject of Creativity in general and to identify the barriers of creativity among students at various stages of education, especially secondary education.

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