Impact of Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) on the Academic Performance of Children of Early Childhood Stage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية



Hearing is a vital issue for the adequate development of every child, especially for early childhood children, because it helps in the development of language and speech. Many studies focus on the effect of central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) on the academic performance of children of early childhood stage on various aspects of education. It is well known that children who have been diagnosed with central auditory processing disorder frequently have spoken and written language disorders. Emotional and social problems, as well as issues with academic performance, can result from central auditory processing disorder. Early diagnosis can help overcome those negative impacts. Central auditory processing disorder can affected early childhood children’s academic performance in the communication and attention domains, and it may affect academic performance later in life. Researchers have begun to conduct a lot of research on how central auditory processing disorder affects the academic performance of early childhood children. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of central auditory processing disorder on the academic performance of early childhood children based on a literature review. This concept paper aims to shed light on the impact of central auditory processing disorder and the challenges that teachers and children can face. The results of this paper show that central auditory processing disorder has negative impacts on the early childhood children’s academic performance. These negative impacts can be overcome if we use and adapt suitable training programs earlier.

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