Mobile Assisted Language Learning for Developing Students' Attitudes

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية



The wide spread and rapid constant development of mobile phones with all its capabilities has opened up numerous opportunities for its integration into learning. Thus, the term mobile assisted language learning (MALL) appears to describe an approach that uses mobile devices to facilitate language learning and to make learning as ubiquitous as possible. The present study aims at investigating the effectiveness of a program based on MALL approach in developing second-year preparatory school students' attitudes toward writing. The study sample consists of sixty participants selected at random from two schools located in Damietta governorate and was divided into two groups: experimental (N = 30) and a control (N = 30). A pre-post attitude scale was applied on the subjects to compare their attitudes before and after implementing the experiment. The program was implemented on the experimental group for seven weeks using mobile phones while the control group was taught using the regular course and method of teaching. T-test results show that using MALL approach managed to significantly develop experimental group students' positive attitudes toward writing. The study offered suggestions for further studies. Results assert that using mobile phones increases students' enthusiasm and encourages them to write in English. 

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