Evaluating the Usage of Virtual Reality Technology in Healthcare Sector of Saudi

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Al Imam Mohamed Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


All countries around the world seek to implement modern technologies in all
areas of life including medicine where the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of
those countries which aspire the medical efficiency that characterizes it around
the world by applying technologies in medicine and healthcare field which in
turn will contribute to achieve its 2030 vision as it chiefly depends on technology.
There are too many technologies which serve healthcare sector one of them is
the use of (VR) Virtual Reality which has contributed positively in several
healthcare applications such as medical training, treatment and Disease
Awareness. So, our paper aims to evaluate the usage of VR technology in
healthcare Sector of Saudi Arabia. We conducted our study on sample of
doctors of Saudi Arabia hospitals through interview and online survey in which
some factors have been taken under consideration such as the motivations of use
it, obstacles they faced, suitable field to use it and their opinions toward it. The
preliminary finding of this study shows that more than fifty percent of
physicians have already used VR technology and the majority of them were
optimistic to use it. Moreover, we use a cause and effect diagram to illustrate the
limitations of using VR technology and we proposed some solutions to overcome
these limitations. We are going to discuss more about the results and further

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