فاعلية نموذج تعليمي/تعلمي في ضوء نظريات التعليم لتنمية حل المشکلات في الرياضيات لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية بفلسطين

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية



The current research aimed at: Building A model of
Educational /Learning Proposal in the light of Educational Theories
and its Effectiveness in Developing Solving Problems in Mathematics for
Preparatory Stage Students in Palestine. The experimental research
group consisted of a number (30) students from the preparatory stage of
the Ahmed Abdul Aziz Preparatory School in Palestine in the first
semester of the academic year 2015/2016.
The current research results showed the existence of a statistically
significant difference at level (0.01) between the mean scores obtained
by participants in the two applications of the pre-post test Solving
Problems skills whole as and in each of its skills separately in favor of
the post application and is calculate according ETA square Impact size
as (0.924), and its effectiveness Black according to equation is (1.24).
In light of these findings, the current research recommends the inclusion
of an article in the content of mathematics in the light of the theories of
education for middle school students, and the vaccination of math
courses with mathematical problems that promote the development of
problem solving in students and also the development of different types
of thinking.

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